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New Release - Pearfection from Nicaragua

New Release - Pearfection from Nicaragua

Is Don, is good (nah, is pearfect!)!

Will and Attie met Don Sabino and his family in 2019. We were greeted with such warmth and had the absolute pleasure of sharing with Don how much our customers loved his coffee. Don was blown away with Will's height, we were blown away with Don's beautiful (small) farm where he still used oxen to plough his fields. The previous year we had roasted Don's washed coffee, and the year after secured some of his first naturally processed coffee - which was mindblowing! 

This coffee is from Don Sabino and his wife, Maria Jesus. Don Sabino and Maria Jesus have five children named Edis, Sabino Vladimir, Kenia, Belccis, and Cristian.  They live in a small village of farmers who produce both coffee and vegetables at the highest altitudes of Jinotega. When we visited, you can still  see Sabino using oxen to plow the fields before planting.

Gold Mountain Coffee Growers worked with Sabino’s father, Don Jose, before he passed away, and Don Sabino hopes to continue his father’s coffee farming legacy.  The attention he pays to the many details involved with coffee production bodes well for their ability to consistently produce high-scoring microlots and they aspire to plant more coffee with new, efficient techniques. These improvements will allow them to hire more workers and make renovations on their farm, which has excellent altitude and climatological conditions for coffee production.

We have yet again supported Don's coffee and this year we're tasting pears, and it's bloody pearfection! 

We taste pear, with soft, clean tropical notes of Papaya & mango. The coffee has a bright, balanced acid forward flavour. We are huge fans of it black! 

Region - Jinotega, Nicaragua

Altitude - 1,400,1,600m above sea level

Process - Washed

Producer - Don Sabino and wife Maria Jesus


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